Robert Yang

Personal Picture

Hello there! I am currently a student enrolled in Cornell University's College of Arts and Sciences. I wish to major in Computer Science and potentially minor in Physics and/or Astronomy.

My primary experience lies in front end development, mainly basic web development (HTML / CSS / JavsScript) and iOS app development (Swift). I am also proficient in object oriented programming and data structures, primarily with Java. I am currently learning more about discrete structures and data driven web applications in my courses.

When I'm not busy with course work, you'll find me participating in Settlers of Catan games, practicing wushu, playing piano, singing for the Cornell Chorale, or running down to Collegetown with a group of friends at 11PM in the dead of the raging Ithaca winter just to grab some bubble tea.

No, it is never "too cold" for bubble tea.

Note: More website updates to come. Will add information about my projects, some more info on my personal interests, maybe another parallax or two, and maybe make the background images in the parallax move slowly, rather than remain fixed.

Made by Robert Yang © 2017